Friday, May 17, 2013

The ANSP Alphabet

How will you define an Air Navigation Service Provider or ANSP? On the basis of its legal classification, ANSPs should be familiar with 9 letters, which we will call the ANSP alphabet. Can you guess what each of the following letters of this alphabet stands for? 

O is for O _ _ _ _ _ z _ _ _ _ _
P is for P _ _ _ c y
Q is for Q _ _ l _ t _
R is for R e _ _ _ _ c _ _ _ e
S is for S_ r _ _ _ g _ 
T is for T _ _ _  Management
U is for U _ _ f _ _ m  
V is for V _ _ s _ _ _ _ e 
W is for W _ l l _ _ _ _ _ 

A legal notice for the provision of civil aviation services by EUROCONTROL classified an ANSP as as organization (S.L.499.95 (2006)). In the picture at the start of the post, an artist depicts an organization as a group of persons in alignment, following some type of order or perhaps a sequence.  Notice that they all run in the same direction. They also seem to know where and how to place their feet and they seem to run with some sense of determination. These features describe thriving organizations. 
For any ANSP to exhibit these organizational features, there must be a policy of clearly defined aims and goals that are not limited to the operational procedures of ATC. ANSPs will benefit from quality assessments and other performance evaluations to determine whether these goals have been easily met or whether they pose a definite challenge. Less than optimal organizational performances form the basis for restructure, not individualized perceptions, or off-the-wall policies, or arbitrary rules that mask the personal ambitions of a manager. 
Organizational restructuring is about innovating strategy, time management and establishing uniform standards. This may require collaborating with the ATCOs and other employees of the ANSP - including them in the decision-making; as well as cooperating with other ANSPs and even making valuable linkages at an international level.  
Restructuring is necessary for the sustainable development of ANSPs. The goods of production are services, most ANSPs are small firms from an economic perspective, the systems are complex and ATC is a highly dynamic process - all are  important reasons why ANSPs should be versatile organizations. There is another reason: the social resources of the ANSP are the most important assets. Unlike the complex systems of ATC,  the ATCOs themselves do not depreciate over time. Commitment to the wellbeing of ATCOs is a boon to the work culture. 
How many versatile ANSPs have we heard about, know of, read of and can use as benchmarks for improvement? Which ANSP has tried any 1 of the following models of organization and can relate their experience for the benefit of other ANSPs?

1. Lewin's Change Management Model (1947)

2. Weisbord's 6 Box Model (1976)

3. Burke and Litwin Model of Organizational Performance and Change (1992)

4. Institutional and Organizational Assessment or IOA Model (2011)

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