Monday, April 22, 2013

Wellbeing; IFATCA Conference 2013, Bali

A printable document can be accessed here
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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Whose Fault is it?

When a Venetian merchant of the 16th century demanded “a pound of flesh” as collateral from a nobleman, the latter was spared from an insolent death when a woman justly stated that the contract required flesh and no blood. The practice of “Just Culture” follows a similar parallel whereby an errant employee is treated fairly in an atmosphere of trust and an ecological approach is applied to investigating the situation at hand. But how many Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) are ready to adopt the principles of "Just Culture" to safety and /or error management?

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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What is Your Favorite Game?

Are you thinking of a way to enhance your Air Traffic Control (ATC) skills? Investing in an action video game is certainly a good option. 2 studies, almost a decade apart, reveal that action video games enhance our visual skills, our hand-eye coordination skills and our concentration abilities.
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Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Fountain of Wellbeing

We can find the name of at least 1 person associated with a quest for the fountain of youth in the annals of history.  Spanish conquistador, Juan Ponce de Leon is the most outstanding example because he was the center of a historical debate about whether the search for a mythical fountain was the motivation for his sailing adventures.  
In our 21st century, the legendary fountain has a new name – wellbeing.  And the search is now openly embraced by swashbuckling organizations. We wonder if Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) are involved in this quest and the question arises:
What is the extent of wellbeing in Air Traffic Control (ATC)? 
The following are excerpts from an information paper on wellbeing in ATC to be presented at the upcoming IFATCA conference.

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